The Real Power of Money
What you’ll learn in this article: The Strange Superpower of Money, how it affects people & how to use it mindfully.
There are few things in life which we can't just live without no matter how technologically advanced we become. Those things are the prime necessities for basic human survival i.e. food, clothing & shelter. This human race first appeared on planet earth 2,00,000 years back when the earth was in the middle of the last glaciation of the last Ice Age. Civilization as we know it is only about 7,000 years old and industrialization started during the 1800s.
And during this modern 21st century, when we wake up in the morning, some of us check WhatsApp messages, FB Messenger, and other social sites but rarely we think how much hard & dangerous roads our forefathers have traveled to give us the comfort life we are having now at this present moment. To live the way we are living and to evolve in a better way we need to have the basic source of transactional income in the right place. This is nothing new on this planet earth. When there was no money or any type of currency, our prehistoric forefathers used to follow — The Barter System, where a person gives something from his stock it can be maybe rice, cattle or self-defense weapons to the other person, who in turn gives him cereals, horse or ornaments.
Nowadays we deal with money, some people have very little of that, some have medium and very few of them have a massive amount of money. And that's the reason why there are so many taboos behind money.
Some people consider money as evil, some love to store it, & some love to make more of it. But in reality, if we look at money from a perspective. We can understand that money is just like a tool, the same as an ordinary kitchen knife, which we all have used at some point in our lives. By nature knife is neither good nor bad , it all depends on how we use it, we can cut fruits and vegetables with it and some people use it to kill other humans. But that doesn't mean , the knife is bad but the person who is using that for the wrong reason is.
However MONEY , has a strange behavior of itself, it acts as a magnifying glass, to whoever it goes it amplifies their basic human traits. For example, if you give money to a bad person he will be using it more to do more bad things, if you give $1 million dollars to a miser, he will save it all and die in poverty, you give the money to a good charitable person, he will spend it on helping needy people and other philanthropic works.
However the right way to use money is very simple, one should first make a decision on how much amount does it need to make to have a good lifestyle for himself & his family. Then earn that amount of money on the right path legally. While making a decision about the money you want to make in a year, don't think about limitations. Cause there is an abundant amount of money on earth and in this age of internet, there are staggering new opportunities to earn that money you want. Don't let anyone else , tell you about scarcity and limitations, its all false data folks. Don't believe it.
And when you earn money divide it into 3 parts,
- Earned Income
- Savings — to secure your future.
- Charity — Always make sure to give away 2–10% of your yearly income to your favorite charity or orphanage.
This is a simple straightforward way to manage money for yourself and your family. No need to make things complex. Keep it right, keep it tight.
Be Great everyone.
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To learn more about — Samrat Chakraborty
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