The Mindset of an Entrepreneur.

Samrat Chakraborty
2 min readDec 31, 2020


What you’ll learn in this article: What it means to be an Entrepreneur.

I’m the World’s FIRST Creator of 60 — Seconds Short-Blogs.
So that You can Enjoy Quick Easy Learning.

Every person has 3 alter egos inside them — Rich, middle class, poor.

The gap between 1% & 99% is getting a huge day by day.

The real reason behind the existence of the middle class is the urge to be comfortable within a realm of steady paychecks & a good lifestyle.

However, a paycheck is the most damaging thing a person can take. Because it numbs the creativity. When you don’t have a paycheck coming in every month, you get hungrier, smarter & most importantly it’s a test of your character. Will you become a crook, a dishonest, will you cheat and steal? — Or you will become a better human being, solve a problem & get paid as an outcome.

This is the Best thing about being an entrepreneur cause, you can find out, who you truly are! When you have nothing.

Rich people learn how to use debt & taxes, that’s what makes the rich richer & the middle class & poor — poorer.

An entrepreneur is not so much of a business — Its more of a

  • Mindset
  • Skillset
  • Different set of Rules.

You see, small business dont operate with same rules as Big Business. And depending whether you’re an employee, or small business the rules are different, the skills are different & mindset is different.

Be Great & keep helping others.



Samrat Chakraborty

Greatest Financier by profession,Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Creative Genius and a Problem solver.