The lost art of — TALKING
What you’ll learn in this article: The Importance of Communicating with people…
A few days back while coming from office I was sitting on a bus seat and beside me was sitting a little 7-year-old cute boy with big sparkling eyes in school dress with his mom returning from school. And that little kiddo was looking at me constantly, don’t know why, so I thought to ask his name. But the moment I asked him, he gave me a big ear to ear smile and was unusually silent, it seemed strange. So, I asked him again, then she said, “ Mommy told me, not to talk with strangers.” I was so surprised to hear that. Then I looked at his mom with curious questioning eyes. And she was taken aback not knowing what to say. After a few seconds, she started talking with me and I get to know the real reason why she taught her son this sinful idea, it’s all because one time when she was small her parents taught her not to talk with strangers. While having a conversation with her, back in my mind I get to understand how a person does things subconsciously without even knowing whether the idea which she received as a child was even right at the first place ?!
Today the society is damaged more not by politics and media but by — FALSE INFORMATION OVERLOAD. If we look closely into our life then we will find that once upon a time when we met our best friends or good friends, once they were also strangers at one point of life but they are not now. Opportunities and good things come in life when we go out of the comfort zone and make new connections with people and cultures. Its a basic instinct of a human being to stay in the comfort cocoon with gadgets and a few close friends. But in order to grow in life, we should always be challenging the current cocoon of ours and pushing it for bigger and better ways. Where one good idea could spread among more individuals compared to few. Because it’s our birthright and duty to make this world a better place for our future generations.
Every year, I personally set a goal to make new 40 friends every year i.e. 3–4 new friend every month. Last year I managed to make 27. If one is a complete novice and want to start from scratch, I would suggest to start by reading a wonderful book, which I first bought in class 8, to improve my quality of friends, because I was the kind of a shy kid who wouldn’t talk first & due to this issue I almost never got invited into friend’s birthday parties. Sometimes I used to sit alone in my room at night and wonder what’s wrong with me. But thankfully one day it changed when I read this book- How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
Fast forward, by the end of that bus trip that day, I managed to catch up kid’s name- Roshan. He gave me a big high five with a big smile on his face when I was about to drop down from the bus. His parting big cute smile made me feel so good, don’t know why. It was a priceless moment for me.