The Game of — MONEY, & How to WIN it Religiously.
What you’ll learn in this article: The 4 Basic Principles that can help you to become financially independent for your whole life.
Every one of us wants a nice, stable, and comfortable life. However, only the Top 5% gets to be super-wealthy & rich. And the rest of them are destined to mediocrity and average life. This is the reality, 75–80% of the whole population lives paycheck to paycheck. And if that income stops, everything stops all at once.
Since I was small, I tried searching for this answer, what is that thing that makes a rich person richer, given that he is disciplined with his life. After reading many books, attending seminars, reading biographies of billionaires & multi- millionaires, I came to the realization that all of them follow a Golden Principle, knowingly or unknowingly.
The Golden 4 Principles to be Financially Independent —
- Get or Earn the Money.
- Keep it.
- Invest.
- Track it.
Always set a goal for yourself, that how much you want to earn in a year, and while earning it, keep stacking it, don't do any necessary showoff luxurious purchase. When you get the money to invest in sure things, which won't lose your money. All-time best investment avenue is Real Estate. Because you will keep getting regular cash flow of income on a monthly basis. And lastly, keep a track of those investments and do the changes as required.
Its no wonder, all the super-rich wealthy people like- Ray Kroc of Mc Donalds, Hollywood Star Arnold Schwarzenegger, Andrew Carnegie, they all made their heavy fortune on Real Estate. Because it's always under your control unlike, stocks which are entirely dependent on the market.
Be Great.
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