The BIGGEST Lie about — Motivation
What you’ll learn in this article: The 2 Basic types of motivation and how to get motivated easily & naturally.
If there’s some magic pill that can instantly make a person do whatever they wish to do without even stopping for a second, it will be MOTIVATION. The main reason I come directly to the point every time because truly speaking I myself hate waiting and don't want to make others wait for me.
Just take a moment, and think when is the last time, you felt extremely euphoric and badly wanted to do something, to take action, to go somewhere and you did it. Think of that moment………think! It can be simple as joining a Zumba class or going to an evening walk, it can be anything. But the outcome of a good motivation is always accompanied by a sweet happy euphoric feeling of accomplishment. It happens due to 2 main chemicals inside our human brain called, Adrenaline & Dopamine. It gets secreted whenever we take action and reach a certain specific target or destination or a goal.
To talk about Motivation science, we can talk about so vast and wide that it will easily fill up a 600-page novel. But I love to keep things simple and straightforward, so let’s begin, there are basically 2 types of Motivation —
- Extrinsic Motivation — The type of motivation we get just after watching a badass youtube video or an ideal person who we admire. After seeing them we want to instantly become like them or imitate what they do. The primary reason for taking action due to external factors.
- Intrinsic Motivation — This type of motivation we get when we really want to achieve something because it comes from our own self. That silent voice inside of you that pokes you to go and fulfill your dreams, desires, and wishes. For example, think of a little boy who always wanted to be a magician, and after years and years of practice and passion for his work, he ended up becoming the greatest magician in the world. (Reference- Harry Houdini’s childhood)
The best part starts now, the most interesting part about these 2 types of motivation, Extrinsic & Intrinsic, is that the first one i.e. Extrinsic motivation only stays in our brain for 12 hours maximum and then it fades away quickly. And once it's gone it's more difficult to bring that in. Think of a great youtube/Instagram/Facebook video you have seen, which made you feel great for a moment and then when you saw that same clip again after 1 or 2 weeks, you won't feel that much of awesome feeling.
But with Intrinsic motivation, the motivation which comes from within, it stays a bit longer ..Guess!! How much longer, 10 days, 80 days or a full year ?!
Well, the Brilliant news is, it stays inside of us, with us till our last breath. That's why we always have hope for betterment. And this is the biggest reason why we all as humanity deserve the Second chance in our lives and give others a second chance to rectify and become good again.
In short, from today on don't fall for the next inspiring video, you have just seen or heard. But take a step back, relax and follow your own dreams and aspirations. Cause if you don't take action now, no one else can do it for you.
Don't wait for tomorrow. Just do the next right thing. And gradually everything will fall into its right place. Automatically.
Be Great.
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To learn more about — Samrat Chakraborty
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