Strange Power of Following a — DAILY-ROUTINE.
What you’ll learn in this article: Why following a Daily Routine & Rituals, helps to Achieve any Goals of yours.
Many people think that success comes from luck & hard work. And millions of articles are written on this hot topic of — Hustling. I myself have been a big believer in this Hustling trend for many years. But to be true with myself, I’ve found that the progression speed is very low and frustrating.
But everything changed for better when I started following a daily fixed routine in my life. It did require me to think & contemplate on what I’ve been doing. And how can I change for the better. After following through the system for 60 days, I’ve found myself to be in a better state of a peaceful mind. Solutions used to appear effortlessly without — HUSTLING. Everything seemed to flow in an easy manner.
Actually human beings have a Goal-seeking mechanism built in them. Unless we follow a fixed precise goal, we can never be happy. And when a person is unhappy with their life, other problems pop-up automatically.
Instead when we follow a fixed definite daily routine, what clearly happens, is that we get to minimize the draining of our energy to — THINK about what to do Next. And use that creative energy to solve other problems related to our main goals in life.
My Simple Daily Routine is like this —
— Wake up 5:30 am.
— Rub my palms, & think of any 2 things that I’m grateful for Everyday with a big smile.
— Drink Water & Watch my Goals
— Meditation 20 minutes
— Workout for 1 hour 10 mins.
— Relax & Bath.
— Take Heavy Breakfast
— Dress for office, leave home by 10am.
— Writing Daily Nights To-DO List .
— 20min walk after Dinner.
— Write my goals.
— Sleep by 11pm.
This is the general routine that I follow. Sometimes I slip up, but I make sure not to miss more than 3 days continuously. I get back in track quickly.
So I encourage you, after reading this blog, make your own daily routine and follow it consistently. Within 1–2months will feel that you have become extremely productive & a better version of yourself.
Be Great.
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