One thing that kills every dream — PERFECTION !!

Samrat Chakraborty
4 min readJan 26, 2020


What you’ll learn in this article: Why PERFECTION kills, and how to save ourselves from this Biggest killer.

Nothing starts Perfect…Everything is a work in progress.

This is going to be a controversial blog, cause in this blog I will break some age-old obsolete way of thinking, which is not at all workable these days. Think like 12–15 years back we used to use floppy disk on computers for writing data and other information. But, now it's a complete joke, no one uses that anymore in 2020. Most importantly it doesn't mean that the discovery of floppy disk was stupid but it was the stepping stone for the upcoming discoveries which we use on a daily basis. Now it has been replaced by Pendrives, DVDs, Cloud Storage, etc.. The time is changing, and it’s changing fast.

The Biggest scandal of our brain, it just looooooves to trick us into believing that we are not great, we can’t achieve our dreams, we are not adequate and what not. Well, the reality is completely different from this belief system. But, wait for a second _____! What is Belief ?! And how it affects us through our daily habits and routines. Well, the answer is shocking, whatever we do in the entire 24 hours of a day, 95% of it we do it subconsciously without actively thinking what we are doing. Think of this like an auto-pilot mode. And this is where the problem starts cause if something is running in an auto-pilot mode it won't take any new inputs or programs without a pattern break. Because without interruption it will continue to go on… Think of it like sleepwalking, a person who is doing it doesn't even know that they are doing it.

Similarly, our beliefs are like those little android/iOS mobile apps which is required for the proper functioning of our day to day activities.

Well now as you realize, how we all function from inside out, starting from the brain and mind. Now its time to think in a little different way, like a programmer, Relax …Now !! don't worry you don't have to design any android app, but if you suddenly get inspiration from reading this blog, I promise I won't stop you. Now coming to the point, as a mind programmer of your own mind, you have to be little bit liberal with it at the start. Because if you act way too harsh like a cage master with a bloody whip in hand. The mind won't just listen. So being nimble and consistent is the ultimate right way to get things done on a consistent basis.

The above point is all you need to understand to make everything work because whenever we try to be a Perfectionist and achieve perfection from the start, we become like that angry cage master with a bloody whip in hand trying to tame the new wild lion straight from the jungle. It will never work that way. So, let him play around, relax, have fun and with time, that lion will become the show stopper and bring thousands of claps every time with his tricks and performance. Guaranteed !!

This is the right time, to forget all about achieving perfection from the starting moment, but instead just START, with a damn good smile and enjoy the process.

And this is applicable to everyday life. For example —

  1. If you want to lose 20 kgs, you should not beat yourself up and start doing 3 hours of daily workout at home or gym… — Wrong Perfectionism method. Instead — — start going out for a fast 15 min walk everyday and slowly build up on it.
  2. If you want to make your 1st Million in your business, you better not start going for hiring top sales executive… — Wrong Perfectionism method. Instead — start calling 5 prospects daily and polish your sales skills by watching youtube seminars, reading books, etc.. And eventually, when you gather the skillset you will easily be able to hire and train them
  3. If You want to calm your mind and feel relaxed, you dont have to pack your bags suddenly and go to some magical mountain cave for 2 years. Maybe you can if you are very passionate about it. However, for everyday people the Best way would be just to sit ideal without any smartphone at a fixed time for 2mins with eyes closed and then slowly increase it to 20mins.

I hope you get the point. Go and give it a try. And by doing regular meditation if you get the super levitation power. Do invite me.

Have fun guys.

Be Great,


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Samrat Chakraborty
Samrat Chakraborty

Written by Samrat Chakraborty

Greatest Financier by profession,Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Creative Genius and a Problem solver.

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