How to Deal with a Bad Day.
Many of us have at least one time in our life had the experience of having a bad day. When nothing goes right in the way we planned it. It can be a bad day, week, or month. Whatever the case maybe its a very unpleasant situation to be in. One might have a fight their parents, being late to work, not achieving the sales target, and so on...
Many times in my life, I’ve faced this issue where I couldn’t close a business deal. And after that one rejection early morning everything seemed to go in the wrong way. Nothing goes right. In this type of scenario, I used to generally blame other people and their wrong mentality. But after years and years of seeing the pattern, I’ve found a cool way to turn it around. Its a mixture of 2 simple things — Right mindset & Helping people.
Nowadays rarely, when I get this kind of bad day, I take a moment and stop doing things. I sit back, pause, and relax. After 10 minutes of a little relaxation, I accept the situation as it is & accepts the full responsibility of the situation, without blaming anyone. Then I go out and help some other person who might be needing help with their work. I reach out and call old school friends whom I’ve not spoken for a long time. Sometimes I go out in the street to roam around a bit and help an old person to cross the road, making prank calls from another number to my good friends and telling him that they will get arrested. This is so insanely funny. Trust me.
As time pass by, I always tend to find myself back to a highly productive zone, and the next day I wake up feeling so light and happy like a 5-year-old kid, with eyes full of curiosity and zeal towards life.
For you, it can be anything, like calling your best friend, ringing your mom and dad to tell them that you love them, watching a funny comedy clip on youtube or better do a prank call to your friend. It can be anything, which blocks and diverts your mind from the present bad situation and redirecting it towards a fun positive mindset which makes you feel grateful.
I don't know exactly as of yet, why this technique works so well. It might be due to the law of karma or the creation of a positive mindset. I’m not a spiritual teacher.
I’ve shared this technique with many of my friends, staffs, neighbors, and crazily it works like a charm for all of them. I don't want you to believe me. As I say to all my friends and colleagues, I want you to give it a little try next time, when you face an unpleasant moment. You have nothing to lose but an experience to make. And moreover, it doesn't cost you anything.
To simplify the 2 Step process —
- Accept the full responsibility of the situation & relax for 5–10 minutes or have little fun. Do anything that makes you laugh and feel good.
- Go Out and help someone without wanting anything in return.
Try this and let me know.