How To ACHIEVE any Massive Goals.

Samrat Chakraborty
4 min readSep 23, 2019


What you’ll learn in this article: The Ultimate 3 Step Process to Achieve any Giant Goal of Yours.

Hollywood Action-Super Star, Jean Claude Van Damme

When we book any taxi ride, like Ola or Uber from our mobile app, we always have to select the destination first then the pickup point, in order to go where we want to go. Cause without the DESTINATION point, the booking won't happen.

Point A →— →— — —→— Point B

Similarly with our life, If we don’t have a fixed definite goal, we won't be able to reach anywhere, no matter how many Youtube, Facebook, or Instagram— Motivational videos we see or audiobooks we hear. Humans are Goal seeking organisms, without goals life is unhappy & boring.

In order to make our life fun and exciting we have to set definite & clear cut goals for ourselves. It has to be Big & Juicy. Make sure you don’t have more than 5 Goals in a year to achieve. Cause if you have more than 5 Goals, You will end up confused and abandon them just after a few days of pursuing. And this is the prime reason why 95% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by the end of January! This is a real fact.

My little story, during my childhood days I used to watch lots of Jean Claude Van Damme movies, my favorite movie was –Kickboxer, after watching that movie , I was very inspired to do full splits like Mr. Van Damme, but, where I stay there was no teacher to teach me that. It was just a longing wish for me to do it.

Suddenly one wintry Sunday on November 2016, saw that movie was being aired on HBO, & I don’t know why that old flame suddenly erupted inside me like a strong red burning flame, I went to the Youtube and saw that split clip again & again & again, maybe like 117 times, and was trying to do it on my own at my room during midnight . It felt like as if I have turned into some kinda lunatic junkie, next day my legs are so swollen and painful.

Samrat on the beach on 28th December 2016 (Shortly after learning to do the leg split)

After 4 days of rest, I scheduled my split practice for around 15 mins every day after my office and set a Deadline to achieve that within 60 days,
and after lots of trial and error, I mastered it. And felt a huge sense of accomplishment within myself.

So How to Achieve any MASSIVE Goal ?!

The answer is simple, it’s a 3 step Process –

a. Set a Clear n specific Massive Goal with a deadline, write it on paper with a pen.

b. BE Unreasonable with Your Goal. Never Lower Your Target. —
Biggest sin a person can commit is Lowering their target. You might fail along the way to achieve it, but, that's ok, If you don’t fail, you won't succeed. Forget what Your elders, parents, teachers, relatives have told you about failing. You gotta go through the process of trial and error to find Your exact right combination. Fail quickly as fast as you can. This is the fastest way to achieve anything in life.

c. Take Massive Actions — Towards your Goal, make it the number 1 Priority of your Being. Eat with it, sleep with it, spend time with it, become Obsessed about it, Until You get what you want.
Consistency & Intensity gets you everything in life. Period.

For example –

If you want to Lose Weight.

Wrong-Way of Goal setting

“I want to lose weight, look terrific” , by writing this on your diary or on a notebook, won't get you anywhere.

Correct Way- Be Specific!

“ I weigh 70 kgs by 30th Oct 2018” — and then you take daily actions in order to achieve that.

In easy words, follow these — 3 simple step process to achieve your crazy big life goals and become happy and also help other people along the way. Cause when we get better, people around us also tend to get better, its a natural process.

Its time to reclaim out higher potential again and live the life without any limits whatsoever.

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To learn more about — Samrat Chakraborty



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  • The Real Samrat — youtube channel


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Samrat Chakraborty
Samrat Chakraborty

Written by Samrat Chakraborty

Greatest Financier by profession,Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Creative Genius and a Problem solver.

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