Fake teachers vs. REAL teachers.

Samrat Chakraborty
3 min readSep 5, 2019


There’s used to be a little schoolboy from class 8, just like any other kid, doing the same thing like his peers — going to school timely, learning what teachers trying to teach in the class, giving exams, going to private tuitions and then repeat the same procedure over again. It was going good during the initial period but as time progressed something odd started to happen, exam marks started to go lower and lower and as the final exam result came, all of his friends got passed out and went for the next higher class. But, not him, he failed badly.

He was depressed, sad, unwelcomed, unwanted from his own family, friends, it seemed like suddenly the world came to an end for him. His confidence went down not to zero but to complete negative -10. It was like he was walking down the hell every second of his life during that period.

When the next session of the class started, luckily he was fortunate enough to get a great teacher in his life who came like a bright rainbow into his life, he didn’t just use to teach him and go, but, that teacher became his friendly guide and never told him to —

  • Dont talk!
  • Shut Up! That’s a stupid question!! it cant be done.
  • Get back to reality. etc. etc.

Instead, his teacher taught him the Greatest lesson of life and told him — “ I want you to think for yourself, to decide 1) what you want, 2) what is true and 3) what to do about it “. And this simple yet profound way of thinking and looking things into a perspective slowly by slowly changed his entire life and how he operated.

He realized 2 wonderful lessons from him —

a. Every problem contains a seed of bigger opportunity.

b. School & university education will give a decent nice living but self-education will make a fortune.

And this 2 life lessons became his primary guide in his life towards having his own successful automobile finance company. This long journey of being lost and finally finding his true self has been a humbling experience. That little depressed failed kid, as of now is writing this little blog to share his experience with the world. I’m not extra-talented, nor a freak of nature, if I can do it, anyone can do it, with the help of a genuinely good teacher, who is always there to show us the right path. There’s always a solution to every problem in life.

The dangerously confusing part nowadays is finding a real mentor, who not only preaches but also does the thing. In this age of social media- Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc. anywhere you go there’s always someone who is claiming to be some kind of guru of something.

However, during all these 27 years of my life as a student of life, I found a clear pattern to distinguish between a fake teacher and the real teacher. Which I myself use all the time to pick my mentor in any field whether it be workout, meditation, or music.
This is a very simple process of asking 3 simple questions to yourself before selecting your ideal real teacher. Cause frankly no one wants to waste their time and energy on fake things. The 3 simple questions are -

  1. Does the teacher practices his own craft or just only preaches ?!
  2. Does he take the full responsibility of a situation or does he complain and put blame on others shoulders ?! Cause a real teacher will always take full responsibility.
  3. Does he doing this only for the sake of money or he genuinely wants to pass on his craft through his students for the betterment of the society as a whole.

I’m writing this post because there is so much confusion in this world right now due to Wrong Information overload. They say that, knowledge is power but I believe right knowledge is the supreme power of getting anything we want in life. We have to be open-minded and consistent then everything becomes easier to learn.



Samrat Chakraborty
Samrat Chakraborty

Written by Samrat Chakraborty

Greatest Financier by profession,Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Creative Genius and a Problem solver.

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