10 Ways — How You are Becoming a NEGATIVE Person Unknowingly.
What you’ll learn in this article:10 Natural Ways a person becomes Negative from Inside out & How to prevent it.
At some point in our lives, once we all have searched for ways on how to be positive in our life. However, it's a complete mystery to 99% of the population that why we really try to be positive instead of being negative. It's funny, till today I’ve not met anyone as of now, who’ve searched for techniques on how to be perfectly negative in life.
The natural human system is made like that only, to always strive for betterment and positivity. And frankly speaking, there are millions of articles you can find online on how to be positive and all. And many of them indeed say true ways. However, the BIG problem lies with the way on how we look at it.
There will be always plenty of HOW’s, but if we know the WHY, Everything all of a certain becomes simple and easy to understand. — Samrat
The main problem lies within the way we carry out our daily lifestyle. The issue of negativity always stays hidden in our day to day routine which we follow subconsciously without even noticing it.
In this blog, I will let you know about the Top 10 Ways on how we got into the trap of negativity without even realizing it for a second. Because I had also been a victim of this bad habits millions of times however now I can see and I want to help you too. I strongly believe that if we know the reasons or at least aware of it, the likelihood of repeating those mistakes becomes very less. Just like, we all know fire burns the skin, so we don't touch fire and we learned it or realized it, back in our childhood days while we accidentally touched a very hot object or fire, and that past experience had made us permanently cautious about hot stuff.
Here are the TOP 10 Ways — On How We Become NEgative Unknowingly —
- Watching news all the time every day.
- Talking bad about someone or friend to other people. In one word- Bitching. It's a bad word to use, I know it, but you get the point.
- Not Working Out or exercising regularly.
- Starting the day, by checking social media like Whatsapp, FB, Instagram, etc. , just after waking up in the morning.
- Comparing yourself with others & Blaming.
- Too much of mobile use in a day. i.e. more than 3 hours.
- Not working on your goals in life & religiously doing Procrastination.
- Not getting enough morning sunlight. If you lack natural vitamin D, most of the time you will feel absolutely stressed and burned out.
- Not helping others & hatred.
- Too much of drinking, smoking, pornography, gambling, etc. these vices will always make You feel terrible and shameful.
IF you have any of this, don't feel bad, now you know your weakness, so you have the right to rectify them. There is no shame in trying to improve oneself. Age is never a matter on the journey for self-development.
On my next blog-post, I will share a simple technique on — How to Increase our WILL-Power and get anything done easily and neatly.
The time is now to take responsibility for our life without blaming others. And fix it. You can do anything you want to do, but you have to follow it up with priority.
Be Great.
If you like these short informative blogs and want more then — You can Follow me- on other sites where I keep posting New ways for free — to make your life better & easier.
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